Monday, August 20, 2007
End of the Journey
All in all it was a fantastic trip. I loved Dublin and am already missing both Dublin and my friends from the program. I kinda regret not being able to meet more irish people, however that was hard in Dublin since it is so touristy and international. But the people in my program were all fantastic and those were two of the best classes I have ever had. I learned a lot not only about the law but about what I believe. This quote pretty much sums up my principles...
"And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake! " Thomas More in "A Man for All Seasons"
Good Night.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Final Program Dinner at Nicos
Wednesday I went to the National Gallery with some friends and saw some really cool exhibits (I actually went back today to see another I missed). We saw the John Butler Yeats Exhibit and the Treasures from the North. Then today I saw the Fantastic in Irish Art. Afterwards we all met up to go see Transformers which was AWESOME!
Weekend Trip to the West Coast
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Trip to West Coast with Joanne |
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Christchurch & St. Patrick's Cathedral & Riverdance
Later a bunch of us from the program all went to see Riverdance. Riverdance as always was amazing. I love Irish Dancing and the other dancers (Flamenco, American tap, & Russian) were brilliant. Also the Theater was really cool, thin, and we were high up, but kind of small. Also there was a bar and they let you bring your drinks to your seats. Go Irish!
Kilmainham Gaol
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hurling, Chilling, & Trip to Hill of Tara & Knowth
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sickness, Belfast & the Four Courts
On Saturday we took a trip up to Belfast. Our Dean is friends with the AP Reporter for Ireland and Northern Ireland (yes there is only one and before him there was none, they were reporting out of London. It's pretty messed up and why all the news media out of N. Ireland is only bad and about violence, presents a very skewed version of things.) His name was Sean and he also happens to be not only a Trojan but a Band Alum as well from the late 80's. He started reporting in the early 90's and knew everything about the conflict. He was incredibly knowledgeable and a fantastic tour guide. The downside of course was that our tour was of the Trouble and the very worst of the worst of Belfast. It was very depressing for me. Even though the powersharing has started, peace has been declared, and the British Army has pulled out a lot and pulled down all the surveillance towers, the walls were still up between the Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods in the worst parts, barbed wire up everywhere, peace lines, murals for both sides and major unemployment in the worst areas. When we went to the IRA graveyard, we saw these kids all drugged up and drinking which was apparently indicative of the youth in general in these areas. Sean says there is still a huge drug problem and by drugs I don't mean weed, I mean meth. We visited one IRA memorial for one neighborhood (every neighborhood has its own for its members that had been killed) and there were these girls there telling us how they aren't allowed on the other side of the "peace line" - a giant wall separating the prods and catholics. And their houses are pretty much fortified buildings. I'd heard that Belfast was a pretty cool city and I think we just got to see the worst parts and it made me very sad. Some of the other kids in my program were going to stay, and me too, so that on Sunday we could go see the Giants Causeway, however after all that I couldn't bear to be there anymore. So instead I came back to Dublin and Anett who lives with Irish people out in Ranelagh invited us all to their party they were having. So I went to that and had fun conversing with actual Irish people instead of Americans, which was so nice. Then afterwards we went out dancing until 4am. The clubs were really cool and literally underground. I would have never found them on my own. Sunday I slept in til like 4pm and it was nice. Then Ben and I went to this bar that plays traditional Irish music on Sunday nights. Everyone goes to Church in the morning and then out to drink at night. This day was special cause Dublin had just beat Laois in Gaelic Football so the place was packed and everyone was wearing Dublin jerseys. The band was playing all sorts of Rebel songs and everyone was singing along. It was fantastic.
Didn't do much on Monday, however today our class took a field trip to the Four Courts which is the big court in Ireland and where all the Barristers work out of. We got to see a courtroom and a Barrister gave us a run down on how their system works. We were going to stay to see a trial, however 5 mins into it the Defense needed more time in order to view some evidence they only had just received, so the court went into recession for an hour and we left. Oh well. I couldn't understand what they were saying anyways. But the Barristers all wear black robes and wigs, although the wigs are no longer mandatory, most still wear them. It was pretty cool. Their system is much like ours except for the difference between Solicitors and Barristers. Solicitors are the lawyers that do most of the legal work and would be who you would go to for advice or to draw up a will or contract. If it gets contentious and you have to go to trial then the Solicitor will hire a Barrister who is more specialized in litigation and arguing in court. They are who will then argue in trial for you. Barristers by law cannot solicit work and people cannot go to them to get a lawyer, you must go through the solicitor and the solicitor will then hire a Barrister if they need one. So a lot of the work of being a Barrister consists of looking busy, hoping for work and not getting paid. But apparently is "really fun" according to our Barrister guide. Also if you want to work in Ireland you have to take an entrance exam, similar to the Bar, then if you are going to be a Solicitor you have to go to Solicitor school which is 2 years and then you become an apprentice to a Solicitor until you can practice on your own which is about 2 years. If you want to become a Barrister its the same only you go to Barrister school for 1 year and then get a barrister to take you on as an apprentice where you basically are their slave since you do not get paid and do all their work. The cool part however is that if you pass the New York Bar you don't have to take the entrance exam. :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rain, Sickness & James Joyce
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
The 4th of July, Literary Pub Crawl & Golfing
The next night, thursday, we went on Dublin's Literary Pub Crawl, which was pretty fucking cool. They had one guy singing and playing the guitar. He played a couple of Irish Songs, one of which was a poem written by and Irish writer and put to music. Then there were two actors. In the first Pub, Duke's, they performed a scene from Waiting for Godot which was hilarious. Then throughout the crawl they told us stories about Oscar Wilde,l James Joyce, and Samuel Beckett, and others. And did it in funny voices. Of course there was the beer too. And in the end there was a quiz, which somehow I won. So I got a free t-shirt. Then we stayed at the last pub drinking and I was stopped by an older Irish man who was asking me how come I (and most Americans) was so confident and then the conversation devolved into a very interesting one about philosophy and the tendency of many people to look down on the peoples of the past. Then he called me a lady and thanked me for the conversation. Very interesting. After the pub closed and kicked us out we grabbed some food at some food place that was like Johhny Rockets only the name was ______ Rockets.
Then today after class the out was to Deerpark out in Howth for golfing and hiking. You could choose either. I chose to golf. The course was really cheap and we rented clubs. I was not even the worst player either and on the last hole I managed to get a bogey, which I think for not playing for like 10 years ain't bad.
So now I'm exhausted and since Katie isn't answering her phone to tell me where they are at I'm just gonna crash.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Trinity College
After checking in we had orientation over at the bar across the street, Doyles. The program paid for two free pints and some food and we got to meet the professors and everyone else in the program. After that a bunch of us went out drinking and ended up in the Temple Bar district. Temple Bar is the touristy area and the bars and clubs cater to that. Its crowded and the bouncers are dicks. Two nights in a row two of our friends were denied entry or service due to being "drunk", despite not being actually that drunk or doing anything to warrant such an assessment.
Tuesday was our first day of classes. So even though I got drunk and was up until 1:30 the night before I had to be up and in class by 8:30am! Not the most brilliant of ideas but it was cool. All the classes are held in the same room in the Art Building. My first class is Comparative Civil Rights between the US, Ireland, Europe and Africa. The professor, Neville (he doesn't respond to professor or Doctor cause he thinks the person is making fun of him) is super cool and smart. The class is very entertaining and everyone in it is really smart. Then I have a break and my next class is at 12. That class is International Negotiations and is slightly boring, but I think it will be useful, since we are essentially learning how to negotiate, which is key for a lawyer of any type.
Also the program has extra activities planned for practically every day. Today, Wednesday, we got to visit the Irish Parliament and even got to see part of their session and tour the building. It was boring to say the least, although cool to see how their system works.
So far the weather here has been interesting! It will rain for like 5-10 mins and then the sun will come out and it gets super hot. Sometimes the sun and rain are out at the same time. Its quite annoying having to take on and off the rain jacket every 3 secs. Rachel (the director's Assistant) says that it is the worst weather they have had and hopefully it should get better.
I will try and take pictures soon and upload them.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Weekend Update
Friday was pretty much blah. I was still not feeling well, really exhausted as well. But I walked around Dublin wandering the streets trying to get an idea of where things were. Stuff I noticed: lots of older ladies with babies begging on the streets... I think they are immigrants from eastern Europe. Dublin is much bigger and faster and more crowded then I expected or remember. I have seen very few if any Irish people at all. Everyone jaywalks.
So after walking around forever, I decided to go catch a movie to pass the time. I went and saw Shred the Third, which was cute. Not as good as the first, but not really that bad either. I really liked the Arthur Pendragon tie in. After the movie, I got back to the hostel and took a nap. Forced myself to get up at 8pm to get some dinner. But then I just went back and did some HW and chatted online til I was tired enough to fall asleep. Didn't really fall asleep though. My roommates were quite noisy and the sun comes up at freaking 3am here. That's gonna take some getting used too.
Woke up too late for breakfast... yeah after not sleeping all night I fell into a sketchy sort of half sleep at like 7am. I didn't really have any plans for Saturday and had planned on being bummed again. So when I was getting ready, there were two other ladies in the room with me and I struck up a conversation with the one, asking her where they were from and so forth. Turns out they are teachers at South Gate High School, which is in LA and one lives in Bellflower and the other in San Pedro. They invited me out with them for the day and were super nice and friendly. We got some breakfast (lunch, hehe) and then walked all the way over to the Guinness Storehouse to do the Brewery tour. On the way I told them fascinating facts about Ireland and stuff, they find it amusing, I was like their own little tour guide, hehe. The Brewery tour was pretty cool. I love beer and always love to learn new facts about it. Guinness is such a wonderful, well made beer! Then after you walk through everything you get to go to the top, the seventh floor, to the Gravity Bar for a free Guinness. The view from up there is amazing. After that we were gonna do a Literary Pub Crawl, however after realizing it was 2 1/2 hours we decided against it since we had been walking so much. Got some dinner and beers instead. It was really funny listening to them talk and bitch about their school issues. LA Unified is so different then Fairfax County, its not even funny. For all Fairfax County School's problems, if they ran LA Unified, maybe LA would be a better place. Their school is 99% latino, which is all fine and cool, but the kids are soooo insulated. Trista the one teacher once asked her students what they thought the percentage of Hispanics were in the whole US and they were convinced it was over 50% (its actually around 17%). As someone who grew up near DC, this is baffling to me. Personally I think integrating schools, and really trying to have a good mix of ethnicities would do students a whole lot of good. I think it would help to break down cultural barriers and help people to confront Stereotypes (not saying it would fix everything but I think its a good idea). But unfortunately due to a recent Supreme Court decision, there's no way that that is even an option. (ugh! don't even get me started on the current court!) But I digress, this blog is supposed to be about Dublin. So, after that we came back to the hostel and I passed out.
Everyone from the program was starting to get in and people started emailing to try and get together on sunday to meet and hang out. A few of us made plans to go to the Gaelic Football and Hurling matches. I met up with RJ and Ted at Trinity at 1pm and we walked over to Croke Park. The Football match was at 2:10 and the Hurling Match was at 4. Football was Laois (pronounced Leach) v. Wexford. Wexford was up the whole match, however Laois pulled out the win in the end. Then after a 30 min break the Hurling match started and was between the #1 team and last year's champions, Kilkenny and Wexford. Kilkenny dominated the entire game and crushed Wexford, who could never really get their game off the ground. It was really fun and there was even a marching band during the half times and in between games. The band was made up of very young kids, traditional and not very good. But it was really cute to see them try. Perhaps in 10 years they will have something more like ours in the States. The cymbal player was this girl who was struggling so hard to hold up the cymbals. I felt so bad for her and could empathize with her pain. Another interesting thing is that you can buy beer in the stadium, but not bring it down into the seats. You have to stand outside to drink it. Also Croke Park was a really cool stadium. RJ said it seated 85,000 and had been newly renovated. The cool thing about these sports is that they are amateur sports and all these men beating each up (without pads or cups) all have normal jobs as well during the week. But it is such a popular sport. Every you looked people were wearing their team's jerseys. And it seemed like every Irish person in the city came to the game. And everyone walks to the stadium too. Also something we all noticed was the police in Ireland. They are so not like American police. First off they carry no gun or weapon at all. But that doesn't seem to be a problem when they are trying to arrest someone. They don't seem to need a weapon in order to assert their authority. Also their is a distinct lack of a chip on their shoulders and are extremely nice and helpful.
After the game we walked back to Trinity to meet up with other students from the program and go out for drinks and dinner. Everyone so far seems super cool and friendly. Although you can tell that we are all in law school, hehe. Most of them are all from Indiana University, mainly cause their Dean is in charge of the program and one of the Professors (International Negotiations which I am taking and apparently he is really good and his class at Indiana is always booked and hard to get into). The other school mostly represented is USD. And then there are random people like me. We even have a few international students, Italy, Hungary and Mexico.
Monday (today): I'm just chilling at my hostel until I can go check-in to Trinity at 2pm. Then at 4 we have orientation. That's it for now.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day One Cont.
After finally getting a shower I passed the fuck out for four hours and woke up at 7pm. Since I was hungry I decided to go walk around the city to find some food. My plan for the next couple of days before I have to check-in to school is to wander the city. I found the Temple Bar district and had some chicken curry, but I was still not feeling so well so I didn't feel like going into any of the bars cause they were so crowded. Instead I went back to the area around the hostel and got myself a Bulmers at the same pub I had breakfast in. It was chill and there was a man playing the guitar and singing music. But now I'm back at the hostel and will probably go to sleep soon. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and more up to do stuff. This city is pretty trippy. Its really international, most people I hear speaking while walking down the street are speaking foreign languages. Its kind of cool but also intimidating.
Things to do while here:
- Go to Hurling Match
- See Riverdance (hells yeah it’s the original baby!)
- Visit Road Records
- Go to Whelands
- I'll add more when I think of them.
Day One
Flight over to Dublin
The night before I left for Dublin I decided to get sick again. This time not due to being drunk or hung-over, even though I did drink two margaritas with Jeong Nam and Alan at Over the Border. I didn't get drunk, but I did get violently ill after packing my stuff. I guess I just get too excited before big flights/trips. Ever since I was a little kid I've always been sick (as in throwing up) at airports, before airports or sometimes even on the plane. So when Mom woke me up to leave at 5:15am I was not feeling well at all. Got to the airport and checked my bags in and got in the security line. As I was almost to the front of the line, I had to book it to the bathroom again. Finally got through security and had to hit the bathroom again before boarding the plane. Ugh. I HATE throwing up. Got to JFK at 8:40am and had to get my bags and go back out to check back in again. Of course I was still very ill and couldn't do self service check in at the kiosk cause it was too early. My flight out of JFK wasn't until 7:10pm. So I got in line. Big mistake. The line went nowhere. There were about 3 ladies working the check-in counter and all helping people, but I guess the people they were helping had major issues cause the line was not moving. I was still so ill and couldn't handle carrying my bags for 5 inches and then standing and waiting for another 20. So after about 30 mins, I got out of line and walked over to the side and laid down and passed out for an hour. When I woke up it was about 10:30 and the line was small, even though still so very slow. But this time I was feeling much better and made it to the front and got myself checked in. After getting through security it was about 11am and I had 8 hours til my next flight. I found my gate and passed out again. Finally it was around the time when we were supposed to board when they announced that the co-pilot was not here yet and wouldn't get here until 7:30. So around 7:30 we started boarding. Then once on the plane they proceed to tell us that there is a thunder storm outside (I couldn't see cause I am sitting in the middle row) and that no planes were taking off or landing and that we would have to wait 20 mins for the storm to pass. After about another hour or so we finally get going. The good news is that they pad the flight time by an hour due to the ground traffic of planes lining up to leave and that we bypassed that and got out right away. So I'm hoping that we wont be too late when landing. It was funny cause when we started to take off everyone on the plane started applauding. Hehe. The take-off was pretty rough with turbulence. I actually think it may have been some of the worst I've flown through. As one small child sitting near me said, "It feels just like a roller coaster ride." The flight is filled with little children everywhere. For the most part they are well behaved and quite cute… but still quite loud and sometimes annoying. The food was blah and the movie pretty good. It was Breach starring Ryan Philippe which is always fine by me. I really hope we get to Ireland soon, cause I don't know how much more of this flying stuff I can do. I really just need to get some sleep and a shower. Also there is absolutely no leg room on this plane! I am so squished.