Saturday, July 7, 2007


Today we took a day trip to Glendalough. Glendalough is a tourist area that used to be a Monastery. Apparently founded by St. Kevin who came to the area to get away from the world and now there is an ice cream stand with his name on it and thousands of tourists visiting his home. But it was cool, basically just monastic ruins and a cemetery. But there were also these two lakes (hence the name) and the mountains you could hike in. It was really beautiful. Sarah, Katie and I hiked up through the trees and managed to get lost trying to find the "awesome waterfall" everyone else very easily found. But we had "adventures". We did manage to find the waterfall and it was kind of anti-climatic. Then this Indian (i think) woman wanted her picture taken with me... not exactly sure. She may have thought I was Irish, which is not the first time this has happened this trip. Hey I ain't complaining. Just means I will fit in well when I move here. Then we got to see the lake, which I thought was simply gorgeous. On the ride back to Dublin, we took a different route so we could stop and see Powers Court. It was this big Victorian home with manicured lawns. But we only had 20 mins to wander so no one wanted to pay the fee to get in. Instead we got ice cream and wandered. Now I'm back in Dublin getting ready for dinner. Today is Heather's birthday so we are all going to dinner.

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