So on the 4th of July a bunch of us took the Dart out to Bray to find this pub we had heard was giving free beer to Americans. We didn't quite believe it but thought it was worth a try. The train (think metro) was about a 45 min ride. We found the bar, it was covered in American flags and true enough, upon production of an American passport or DL, you could get one of their home brews for free, and they were pretty tasty. I head back fairly early however in order to get my hw done.
The next night, thursday, we went on Dublin's Literary Pub Crawl, which was pretty fucking cool. They had one guy singing and playing the guitar. He played a couple of Irish Songs, one of which was a poem written by and Irish writer and put to music. Then there were two actors. In the first Pub, Duke's, they performed a scene from Waiting for Godot which was hilarious. Then throughout the crawl they told us stories about Oscar Wilde,l James Joyce, and Samuel Beckett, and others. And did it in funny voices. Of course there was the beer too. And in the end there was a quiz, which somehow I won. So I got a free t-shirt. Then we stayed at the last pub drinking and I was stopped by an older Irish man who was asking me how come I (and most Americans) was so confident and then the conversation devolved into a very interesting one about philosophy and the tendency of many people to look down on the peoples of the past. Then he called me a lady and thanked me for the conversation. Very interesting. After the pub closed and kicked us out we grabbed some food at some food place that was like Johhny Rockets only the name was ______ Rockets.
Then today after class the out was to Deerpark out in Howth for golfing and hiking. You could choose either. I chose to golf. The course was really cheap and we rented clubs. I was not even the worst player either and on the last hole I managed to get a bogey, which I think for not playing for like 10 years ain't bad.
So now I'm exhausted and since Katie isn't answering her phone to tell me where they are at I'm just gonna crash.
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